Foodicious Food & Beverage Expo 2024 @ Setia SPICE

Foodicious Food & Beverage Expo 2024 @ Setia SPICE

Ended, 2 - 4 Aug, 2024
11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Concourse (Level 3), Setia SPICE Arena
Free Admission

这里根本逛不完,吃不完,买不完! Foodicious 美食展又回到位于槟城的 Setia SPICE Arena 啦 你也想吃吃喝喝买不停吗?那你就得来到 Foodicious 美食展,我们肯定能满足吃货们的胃口啦!

持续3天的美食展是你填满你胃口的绝佳之地,不仅拥有各种不同的美食,你还能享用多种折扣优惠,用最低价的价格购买你心仪的产品啦,事不宜迟,赶紧记录下时间日期,让 Foodicious 美食展把你的周末变得又好吃又好玩!

Event Venue

Concourse (Level 3), Setia SPICE Arena
Setia SPICE Convention Centre, Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Baru, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia

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Posted on August 1, 2024