Chamber Music at The Courtyard @ Cheong Fatt Tze Penang

Chamber Music at The Courtyard @ Cheong Fatt Tze Penang

Ended, 16 Jun, 2024
5:00 pm
Cheong Fatt Tze, The Blue Mansion
RM 80 per person

In a picturesque European village, as spring bloomed, a trio of musicians gathered in the town square, their melodies painting tales of love and longing. With Richard Strauss’s enchanting compositions like “Morgen,” “Heimliche Aufforderung,” and “Cäcilie,” they evoked romantic dreams and hidden desires, while “Allerseelen” and “Zueignung” honored memories of the departed. Robert Schumann’s “Fantasiestück” added whimsy to the evening, but it was the French composers Jules Massenet and Francis Poulenc who captivated with their melancholic elegance and playful charm. Camille Saint-Saëns’s lively “Tryptique” and “Danse Macabre” brought the festivities to a jubilant close, leaving the villagers enchanted and eager for more musical adventures under the starlit sky.

Join us for an unforgettable evening of spring melodies, where romantic dreams, hidden desires and musical bliss that will linger after the final notes fade.

Event Venue

Cheong Fatt Tze, The Blue Mansion
Cheong Fatt Tze, The Blue Mansion, Lebuh Leith, Georgetown, George Town, Penang, Malaysia

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Cheong Fatt Tze The Blue Mansion

Posted on May 26, 2024